Hello fools, hope all is well. Am about to back to uni so thought I'd give you a little taster of some new tunes that I'm listening to at the moment. Also if any of you are gonna be in Newcastle then be sure to go to Rub-a-dub-dubb on tuesday. Also by the way clock Kanye being an utter douche bag at the VMA's and Obama's reaction on my facebook page, so so joke. Anyway so to the tunes.
First up is a drum & Bassey/ Breaks tune I really like & came across only a day ago. They one the Drum & Bass newcomer awards this year so are very very big and there's certainley allot more to come. They're parisian DJ's & an Mc called Youngster. What I like about the tune is the electro/breaksey feel t ti and the raw energy. This energy can be seen on their live sets. I've posted a little vid of their live set & it looks really awesome, I like how they drop A1 rock it at the end anyway enjoy.
Next up I thought I'd tell you that Logistics is back!!!!!! And my god he's as good as he's always been. He's
released a new album called Crash, Bang, Wallop. It's got some of his old material but some new tunes as well
and by god they're good. 'Transporter' is amongst my favorites as well as 'Platinum'. What I love about Logistics
is how chilled out his tune can be & then at the same time can destroy any dance floor. I saw him last about 2
years ago at fabric & it's definitely worth seeing him at any opportunity. Anyway thought I'd give you one of
the best from the album, please enjoy, it's a classic by the way but a really fantastic edit of it;
Breaks is amazingly fun & don't understand why more people don't love it. It's almost the modern version of
Soul. Anyway I picked up this real wicked new compilation album called 'evolved Breaks'. It deals with the
euphoric side of breaks. Anyway there is one tune on it which I find absolutely beautiful. Starts off really
Trancey. It then heads into a nice little beat that builds & builds until BOOOSSHH, some real beautiful
lyrics. It's not a club banger but a real real treat. I really hope you enjoy it;
Anyway hope you enjoy these tunes. Have an absolutely fantastic weekend!!!! x
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