Hello folks. I've been limiting myself to one post a week due to dissertation commitments but I thought give you many tunes to play with. I'm sorry but all of this is Dubstep, with a little UK funky at the end but deal with it.
So first up is a tune I got off the Rub-a-dud blog called Ninja Gaiden. By the way this tuesday Dj Zinc will be at the Dub so get down there, it will be sick. Back to the tune, it's got some good voice samples and is quite uniform in it's makeup. It's really worth listening to it extremely loud because the low-end is pretty darn good. Anyway enjoy it for what it's worth;
Next up is from someone I thought I'd never have to post, Doorly. I've always been wary of listening much to him because I'm a dance music purist. I'm the kinda guy who hates the idea of 'Ibiza rocks' and the mash-up of dance and Indie. I have kept on checking up on him and I do really like this remix. It's a remix of that new Cadbury's advert. It's dark and subtle that doesn't rely on bass to make the song. Make of it what you will;
If you like Aphex twin's too much you may feel this remix destroys the original but this bootleg is pretty epic. Slick at the start and then drops into a grimy little monster. Dance-floor destroyer right here. It's done by a random person, so can't tell you who it is. Iy is though pretty amazing. Pleas enjoy preferably extremely loud;
I've recently re-discovered the delights of 16bit. He can make both dance-floor tunes and chilled Dubbier tunes at the same time. This falls into the first category. The industrial/transformersesque madness makes this an ideal big-system tune. Please though when you download this go onto youtube and check out all his tunes, pretty awesome stuff;
As an added bonus here's 16bit's incredible toxic
And last up a little bit off the new Giant Pussy Records, Deekline & WIzards new label. Expect very VERY big things from them over the next year.
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