I think a lot of people, including me, are getting excited about these guys. London 3 piece Dark Sky have really been making a name for themselves on the UK bass music scene since they started making beats about 8 months ago. A fantastic dreamy remix of the xx's Crystalised got them notoriety and an even better single release on Black Acre featuring tracks Something To Loose and Ghost Notes have really propelled them into the frame.
This is a brilliant mix of compressed and distorted vocals paired with complex fluttering synth lines and a hefty 2 step beat which stays the whole track.
Mirrors - Change (Dark Sky Remix)
They have a 4 track ep forthcoming on London label Pictures and an incredible bootleg of Timbaland's Promiscuous Girl, which i've been lucky enough to hear and it's a dance floor weapon.
They got gigs coming up in Manchester and London, at Corsica Studios and Area 51 at the Black Acre Showcase and Hit and Run respectively. Check the Myspace for dates
Enjoy the track and buy the ep when it comes out because it's going to be big!
Jossa x
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