Friday, 28 August 2009

Hello fuckers!!!!!

Hiya I'm Joss's equally ugly friend Gus and thought I'd throw some posts his way on this relatively blog. I've known Joss since we tore up the nurseries together back in the days of acid house and shizer porn. We're now students living the high life of pot noodles and man sized tissues.

Him and me do have similar tastes of music although not universally. My posts will reflect my love of everything that gets you sweaty; Drum & Bass, Dubstep, Tech-House, Grime, Hip-hop and porn, with some random bits n' bobs.

So to start off I though I'd do a post on Nero. Nero are two very well known DJ's from London. As with many Dubstep producers their roots are in Drum and Bass. I will focus on their Dubstep productions because they are truly energetic & fun.

The first of which is their own remix of their Drum & Bass banger 'Act like you Know'. I liked the original but I had a certain bit of it lacking. It was a bit standard and typical of lots of D n' B tracks. The dubstep version though gives it a lot more bounce. The first drop is pretty good but it's the drop into the bassliney keys at 2:45 that really bring into it's own. Anyway here it is and hope you enjoy;

The second track is remix of the Bassline outfit Platnum. Platnum hail from Manchester and have created some of Bassline's biggest tunes. But Nero's rework makes it an even more jump up fun little number. It's actually a Drum & Bass remix but well, if you don't like it then fuck you! Here it is;

And for the last tune I thought I'd go with one of his oldest but greatest remixes. It's an absolute killer of a remix and makes you want to move your head back and forth so vigorously that you head but the person in front of you;

Oh also if you do like Nero maybe try and buy the tracks. More importantly play these loud on HUUUGGE speakers because they deserve it!!!


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